View Point
Two strata separated by more than 10 million years revealed (Sukuma-dani Gorge)

A huge unconformity cave
Located in Kamitonda Town, Sukuma-dani Gorge is a precious place where you can observe both the unconformity of an accretionary prism and forearc basin sediments as well as "tafoni," holes that look like insect bites. In the Nanki Kumano region there is a culture of nature worship wherein giant rocks and waterfalls are revered as gods, and this site is also a sacred place that was established by “En no Gyoja,” the founder of the Shugendo religion.
Layering of earth over more than 10 million years
Above accretionary prisms formed around 50 to 30 million years ago, you can observe the stratigraphic boundary (unconformity) of forearc basin sediments formed around 18 million years ago. You can also observe this boundary at the rock cave where Inari Daimyojin is enshrined on Sukumadani Kannon temple grounds.

Praying to the sacred waterfall
From the Takio shrine located within the site you can observe both the unconformity of accretionary prisms and forearc basin sediments as well as rocks that appear insect eaten. Sukuma-dani Gorge is a must-see scenic spot where you can simultaneously observe strata that have been carved over and unimaginable eternity.

Finding heart-shaped tafoni
After checking the unconformity, let’s climb the stairs. Myojin, the god of relationship, is enshrined inside the holes that look like insect bites. It’s said that finding heart-shaped tafoni will bless you with good luck concerning romantic relationships or money.

Spectacular view points of Sukuma-dani Gorge

* Information is subject to change. Please be sure to check with the site/facility before heading out.